Selkie - Home Widgets

The instructions below will help you configure the widgets on the home page.


Click here for instructions for the slider - how to display featured posts, some troubleshooting advice and how to avoid blurry images.


The profile is the "Selkie Meadows" section on the home page below the slider. You can use it to add some information about yourself and your blog. Don't add too much text so the image and text will be even. You can use the "read more" link to add a link to your "About" page.

Before you start! The "Profile: Image" and "Profile: Text" widgets have been altered for customization. If you remove them and then re-add them, they will not look the same. If you want to hide them for now, open each widget > uncheck "Show this widget" at the top and save the changes.

Go to Layout > scroll down to "Home Before Content".

Add an image - open the "Profile: Image" widget > check "Upload image from computer" below Select image by: and upload an image (don't add any text, just save the widget after you upload your image).

To add a title, text and a link to the button, open the "Profile: Text" widget.

  • Title - replace "selkie meadows" with your own title; don't remove the h3 tags around the title
  • Text - replace "Add some text here." with your own text; don't remove the p tags around the text
  • Link - replace LINK with the link to your About page

Here's the HTML in the "Profile: Text" widget:

<h3>selkie meadows</h3>

<p>Add some text here.</p>

<a href="LINK" class="profile-button">learn more about me</a>


Click here for instructions on how to connect MailChimp to the subscribe form + the HTML for the form in the sidebar.

The newsletter widget is added to one of the footer widget areas and it appears everywhere. If you want it to appear on the home page only, move it to one of the Home widget areas - "Home Before Content" or "Home After Content".

This is the HTML of the form on the home page (some additional HTML to customize it - you can add the form action link the same way):

<div class="newsletter-wrapper"><div class="newsletter-wrap">

<div class="newsletter-header">

<form action="FORM-LINK" class="signup-form" method="post" target="_blank">
<input type="email" name="EMAIL" placeholder="Email address" value="" required />
<input type="submit" value="Sign me up!" />
